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Watch Dogs - Digital Deluxe Edition [Update 4 + 13 DLC] | Патч
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(65,6 Мб) 23-09-14, 21:55
Версия обновления: (Update v1.04.497) 
Требуемая версия: v 1.03.471
Таблетка: Присутствует (RELOADED)

Cписок изменений:
Single Player Added Features 

- REPLAY OPTIONS – After having completed the main story line, players will now have the option to reset previously played Gang Hideouts and Convoy Missions. – (ALL PLATFORMS) 

- DRINKING GAMES – The Drinking Games were re-tuned based on community feedback. – (ALL PLATFORMS) 

- Increase round fail time by 20%. More time for player to finish. 
- Increase button cycling time by 50%. More time between button switch. 
- Increase player reticle radius by 25% in collect button mode. Allow easier button press succeeded on bad latency tv. 
- Increase player reticle last frame velocity impact on this frame position (inertia friction) by 70%. The player reticle slow down faster when no input from player -> easier to stay on the spot targeted & More precise player control. 
- Increase player input factor by 50%. More precise and more reactive player control. 
- Reduce max force applied randomly to player reticle from 0.35 to 0.29. Less strong random impulse for drunk effect. 
- Reduce moving target speed by 15%. Easier for player to time his button press on a target. 

Multiplayer Added Features 

- HACK YOUR FRIENDS – You can now select available friends via the grid and hack or tail them without their knowledge. This can be disabled under online options. – (ALL PLATFORMS) 

- CTOS MOBILE – Mobile players disconnecting will no longer result in the gameplay ending for the console/PC player. Console and PC players will play their match to the end and receive some Notoriety points for doing so. – (ALL PLATFORMS) 

- MULTIPLAYER BAD BEHAVIOR – Players who are frequently disconnecting from multiplayer matches will be pooled together and paired only against players with similar online behaviors. – (ALL PLATFORMS) 

If you’re playing against someone else who disconnects unfairly, you will get the same amount of Notoriety as if you had won at that moment. 

The disconnector will not receive any Notoriety. 

Single Player Fixes 

- POKER – Fixed a bug in which players were getting stuck playing poker if they used the camera against the last opponent in a low stakes game. – (ALL PLATFORMS) 

- MISSING PERSONS INVESTIGATIONS – Fixed instances in which the wrong text was appearing in Portuguese language. – (ALL PLATFORMS) 


For optimal performance on AMD graphic cards, a new beta driver (14.7) is available from AMD at http://support.amd.com/en-us/download with the following changes: 

- Assassin's Creed IV - improved CrossFire scaling (3840x2160 High Settings) up to 93% 
- Watch Dogs: Smoother gameplay on single GPU and Multi-GPU configurations 
- Watch Dogs: 
- AMD CrossFire – Frame pacing improvements 

The full release notes are here: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-arti...dows-beta.aspx 

On this note, happy hacking

1. Запустить setup.exe (из папки Update) и установить обновление в папку с игрой 
2. Скопировать содержимое папки Crack в папку с игрой 
3. Играть

Категория: Игры | Добавил: Energo | Теги: Deluxe, DLC, PC, 2014, Digital, Watch, Edition, 13, dogs, Update
Просмотров: 1085 | Загрузок: 319 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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